Collie Lassie

Collie Lassie - the standard says, it must at first glance looks like a dog of great beauty. Absolutely every part of the body must work in harmony. The tail should be long and rich. The hair is long, thick and strong. The color is yellow-white, tricolor (white with brown spots) and silver-blue. Height to 61 cm, weight about 30 kg. Everything described is true for short-haired Collie (smooth collie) just a hair short. Collie live about 15 years. 

Training and care 

Collie Dog is persistent and easy to learn. It need to run a lot and even travel. Feels nice while running the bike. Happy to serve his master. Collie dog requires a lot of love. Must live in the family, not in a cage! He does not tolerate violence. This can be a dog for beginners. It is good with kids, but not as a Lassie movie. It is necessary to frequently clean and brushed his hair. Collie is very happy to bark while easily controlled. 

Collie has become the first modern dog at the end of last century. Good as a pet but must live in nature. Collie is not the dog for a small apartment and big cities. If it is nice neat and happy, it will be a decoration for your yard and your best friend.

Domestic Cat as pet

Cats, also domestic cats do not have sweat glands, which explains the weaker the scent of their bodies [in comparison with, for example. dogs]. Therefore, the domestic cat is a popular and favorite pet. The facts are, however, seems relatively sensitive to high temperatures. The domestic cat is a loving and independent animal. You have to walk the dog but cat do not, this is a one good thing about cats as pets. Cats need their diets to fat intake, because their body is unable to produce them. Do not feed your cat [industrial] dry dog food as the cats in the percentage required 5 times more protein than dogs.

Interesting facts about cats

Domestic cat can have all the colors: black, white, blue, yellow and stripe, but tricolor cat is always female.

Russian Blue Cats as pets

Russian Blue Cat as pet

As pets Russian Blue Cats are softer and more reserved than other shorthair cats. Although they are lively and playful as always dignified posture. Voting is a very quiet meow and are generally very fond of them as the owner of the natural harmony, and almost no loss of time to maintain the hair makes it an ideal pet.
The body of the Russian Blue Cat is firm and muscular, but with it yet elegant and slender. The feet are small, oval, the legs are long and the tail is very long and narrow at the top. The most important characteristics of Russian blue cats found in the shape of the head and the hair color and structure, namely the transition of the nose to the forehead should be flat with no "feet" (flat-topped skull) and a profile of the nose slightly convex. The eyes of Russian Blue Cat are almond-shaped green. Unique is the hair that has double, short, thick and silky, which should never be too close without the body. Desirable as lighter shades of blue, but most important is the uniformity of color and a distinctive silver luster.

Maltese dog Bichon Maltais

Maltese dog -  latin name: Bichon Maltais


Temperament Maltese is their greatest virtue! They are extremely good-natured, affectionate and cuddly.
Maltese dog is always lively, joyful and playful and into old age.
They are very intelligent, obedient and faithful dogs. Quickly learn and are very adaptable; tempo owners, situations, etc. Maltese is a very cute pet.
Never aggressive!
Good agreement with pets, cat, rabbit, birds ...

Maltese has the straight hair. The hair is white and silky, gently falling down the back and long to the floor. The hair must be curly, like wool or uneven structure. In some places can be as light lemon color on the ears.
Weight by Maltese standards should be 1.80 to 3.17 kg.
The height for males according to standard should be 21-25 cm and for females of 20-23 cm.
Maltese has a compact body and proportionately, slightly elongated. They should not be too fat or too thin.
The skin is stretched over the body means nowhere is suspended and has a light colored pigmentation of red wine.


Contact me if you have any suggestions, questions, praise or criticism.

PETS FOR YOU is a blog for you and your pet, so send pictures of your pet to see it all. I will publish it in the site.

You do not have to write your full name, if you do not want. Then write down only your nickname, but please tell me, from which country you are.

Thank you very much, for everyone!


Pets for you and home

This is a place where you can find a pet just for you. Here are a lot of animals - best home pets: dogs, cats, parrots, rodents, fish...

But, do not forget
Pets are animals that require adequate living space, healthy food, love and attention.
When you choose a pet, care that you have to give him all it needs. Beautiful conditions for living, healthy food, playing and fun, safe and beautiful life.
Pet is not a toy for children, it is a living being.
You are responsible for his life. So worry about it as you would like to see someone cares about you.

When pet comes to the house becomes part of the family. Then you will see how you will be happy.

Shih Tzu dogs origin and formation of breed

Shih-Tzu dog

Small note for introduction: SHIH-TZU DOGS (SI-CU) are very stubborn, and considering that they were almost impossible not to indulge, thus idle and often. Also, their hairis almost human quality of hair, and of course it turns out !
Although the occurrence of this very old breed of obscure, its roots are clearly related to the area of Tibet, where the dogs of this breed is kept in temples for centuries, and sometimes as an honorary gift be donated to Chinese emperors. Shih-Tzu's in Tibet was considered a sacred dog, which brings health and happiness. Shih-Tzu is considered the oldest and smallest breed Tibetan holy dogs, and has some similarities with other Tibetan breeds of dogs.