Philippine parrots
Small: The size of this parrot is 28 inches. Male and female are light green in color. They have a reddish stem, mid-ice their orange-brown and the top wing is green. Young parrots are slightly lighter, and they stem pale-reddish. As a pet parrot's no problem can mimic human speech, ringing and whistling. Are sensitive to cold, so they should be granted a heated room. They feed on seeds for large parrots, with the mandatory addition of vitamins, minerals and plenty of greenery and fruits and vegetables with proper nutrition and care of this parrot can live for over 20 years.
Large: The size of this parrot is 41 inches. With proper nutrition and care of the parrots are about 30 years. Male and female are light green. Its wings are black and blue and the tail is green with yellow highlights. Ice in the middle of a light blue field. The difference between males and females was smaller beaks. It is calm and quiet parrot big body, a massive red beak gives her a distinctive look. Young parrots are slightly lighter and voskovice are covered with feathers.
how come they can reach 28 inches