Alaskan Malamute

Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest breeds of dogs pulling. Alaskan Malamute is named after the tribe Malemute of Alaska. It is a big dog who can not stand the heat. It is good to live in colder regions and the outdoors.

Training and care

Alaskan Malamute does not require
often brushing. It is necessary to eat fish at least once a week. Malamute requires a stricter approach to discipline, and can be well trained and obedient dog. It requires lots of physical activity (at least an hour a day strenuous exercise).


Alaskan Malamute has a thick coarse outer coat with fat and soft woolly undercoat. Permissible colors are black and white and always with a lighter belly and a light mask. Good neat Alaskan Malamute has a dignified and peaceful look.

Nature and temperament

Malamute is an intelligent, affectionate and loyal, but a little stubborn and dominant dog. It is very durable and learns quickly. Easy to make a friend, loves kids and his master. In most cases, does not agree with other male dogs. He loves to howl, especially when left alone.

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