Mouse Mice or Mus is a genus of rodents

Mice (Mus) is a genus of rodents of the subfamily of real mice. The best known species in this genus are domestic mice. Besides them, this genus includes another 37 species of which are, as a domestic mice, hemerofili, while other animals that live far away from people, drawn, in the forests.

Like most rodents, mice are nocturnal or active at twilight, but it could be encountered in the daytime, especially if there are more numbers in a given area. Mice live everywhere there's not only in Antarctica and some smaller islands, nor in the sea. Mice in the day they eat about 10% of its total weight, so for example. mouse from 20 to 25 grams a day from 2 to 2.5 grams of food eaten.

Their body is long between 4.5 and 12.5 cm, and the tail is usually as long as the body. On average they weigh about 30 grams. Some mice in human cultivation and reached 60 grams. Wild mice have gray or brown back, and the ventral side of the lighter gray or brown and sometimes white fur. In farming, meanwhile, achieved numerous color variations. The tail is covered with very fine hair, so at first glance goal.

Anatomy and structure
Due to the fact that man and mouse share to 99% of genes, as well as those of similar embryonic development, symptoms of many illnesses and common forms of the disorder and behavior is not surprising that the mouse as a major model organism gets even more important role. Mice become essential participants in discovering the secret of the human genome. Mice are small rodents who need constantly to take food.

Mice were famous people from ancient times. It has long been recognized as major pests and the right temptation wherever they settle.

Mice as pets
The advantages of mice as pets are:

  •  They are not expensive to purchase and maintain 
  •  Does not require expensive equipment 
  •  They're fun and social as well as domesticated animals

Disadvantages of mice as pets are:

  •  Possibility of transmission of infection 
  •  Night of animals 
  •  Short life span

Miss pretending to be dead

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