Pygmy rabbit
Pygmy rabbit is a type of domesticated European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus).
Are grown only as pets. The same character traits as well as other domesticated rabbits, with a little more temperamental traits. Are energetic and sensitive (they can be easily upset). I can be home and can be adapted society home dog and cat. They are very fragile animals and easily enter the stress.
Feeding and nutrition
Eat grass, grains and various succulent vegetation. Their digestive system is weaker than their larger cousins and many leafy vegetables such as lettuce and cabbage can choke on their health problems. A large proportion of their diet makes hay and the like.
General characteristics
Some of the colors: black, blue, chocolate, lilac (bljedoljubicasta) celicnosiva, otter, deer, lynx, opal, tan (dark), also white red-eyed (Ruby) and blue-eyed.
Weight: 500g-1400g-blooded, most members of the species 1400g-1800g
This article was apparently written by a drunk moron.